Insights from the Apiary team and our network of experts.
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Bridging Care and Career in the Workplace
Across the globe, the weight of caregiving falls heavily on individuals, many of whom juggle work and caregiving responsibilities, often to the detriment of their own wellbeing. But this is not just a personal problem, it's a crisis that businesses and employers can no longer afford to ignore.
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Across the globe, the weight of caregiving falls heavily on individuals, many of whom juggle work and caregiving responsibilities, often to the detriment of their own wellbeing. But this is not just a personal problem, it's a crisis that businesses and employers can no longer afford to ignore.
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Ensuring employee benefits are fair and compliant across all regions can be complicated but is crucial for business cohesion and expansion
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Domestic abuse currently affects an estimated 1.6 million women and 757,000 men in the UK, according to the Office for National Statistics. Here's how employers can make a difference by recognising the signs and knowing how to help victims.
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Life has a way of catching up with all of us at times. Whether it's a bereavement, divorce, having to care for elderly parents or becoming a new parent, life events can knock you sideways at the best of times.
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Support for women in the workplace: It’s all about the timing. Women have earned their place in the boardroom and as managers so now we should back them with female-specific support when they need it.
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Navigating a life event affects every pillar of a person’s well-being (physical, emotional, social, financial, etc.).
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As employers, supporting those experiencing grief is essential for the individual concerned and the business at large.
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Do the personal life events of employees have a negative economic impact on your business? The answer is “yes.”Our CEO and Founder, Katie Lynch, writes here for the July edition of Employee Benefit Plan Review.
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When employees are affected by life events, you can help by offering focused and structured support.
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Practical ways, such as mental health support and financial wellbeing benefits, to support the sandwich generation.
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Our new study reports a heavy toll of emotional and financial disruption imposed by major "Life Change Events" on both employees and employers alike. Read more here...
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In an employee-led market, organisations must demonstrate adaptability and creativity to appeal to Generation Z talent. Read more here by our own Kahlicia Hurley, as first published by REBA.
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Events such as divorce and bereavement can be overwhelming and affect an employee’s ability to focus on work. There’s a lot employers can do to ease the pressure.
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Significant global events, including conflicts and natural disasters, can have a significant impact on the workforce. Reminding them of the benefits support available is key.
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With legislation on neonatal leave and pay coming into force in 2025, canny employers will start putting policies in place now.
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People often forget that when a business owner experiences a difficult life event such as a divorce or bereavement, he or she cannot only focus on his or her personal circumstances. The owner is also focused on the impact these events may have on their company and its employees as a whole.
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We need to ensure empathy training in our organizations, both in the heart of our HR departments, and amongst our leaders. Let’s all now make a commitment to implementing change, not just talking about the fact that the well-being of our people is now our priority.
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We used to think that life’s hardest challenges meant dealing with the illness or death of a loved one or with a separation or divorce. Now, we need to add living during a pandemic to that list. And what is unique about it, is that it is a state of crisis that we are all dealing with collectively.
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Going through a separation can be incredibly challenging. Alongside the emotional turmoil, many people need to make major changes to their lives including finding a new home, taking on new childcare responsibilities and adjusting to their new financial situation. Our Katie Lynch spoke with Sam Barrett of Employee Benefits about how we at Apiary Life help employees in this situation.
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It is often said that the only real winner in a divorce is the lawyer because of the ballooning legal fees in litigated divorces. There are multiple options to choose from when proceeding with a divorce, yet most couples believe they must head straight to court.
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We help companies learn to talk about difficult topics with their employees every day. The worst approach is always to say nothing. It can be misunderstood as a lack of empathy or, worse, prejudice.
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We all have things happen in our personal lives that can impact our abilities to do our jobs really well...this has now become less taboo and companies are realizing they are responsible for ensuring they're giving people the right levels of support.
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The main thing that is unique about life crises is that it’s something that you have not been through before, so say you’re getting a divorce, you’ve probably not been through a divorce before so in order to try to tackle that process by yourself it’s going to be much more time consuming every step of the way rather than bringing in somebody like Apiary to help you.
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Most women don’t like to admit they need help. We often don’t even know what to ask for help with. It is a fact however, that people going through a divorce need extra support, be it emotional support or with the administrative tasks that go along with a divorce.
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Whether you are the homemaker or the rainmaker, time is hard to come by in this day and age, especially if you are used to the pace of a city like New York or LA. One of the biggest misconceptions going into a divorce is that your attorney deals with everything. Wrong.
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Notwithstanding the moral obligation to promote fairness and a just and equal society, the gender pay gap not only has a significant impact on women and families, but also on businesses and the economy at large.
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Employee well-being provision is no longer a check-the-box exercise, and we all know that providing comprehensive, valuable assistance drives out risk and cost, increases performance, and most importantly, retains valuable talent.
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Leaders of the future recognize that they must shift their thinking on how to structure the employee-employer relationship. They must understand that the needs of employees aren’t simple or linear and that in order to attract, engage and retain talent, they must first understand the needs of their workforce, then develop a strategy and quickly execute a plan.
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Recent global events have eradicated the work-life boundary in terms of our physical working location and we must now do the same for our emotional well-being boundaries. Employers must let their people know that they want to help during the hardest times, not just because they are empathetic, but because they have a corporate responsibility to be aware of the risk within their business and to employees.
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Studies show that 75% of people have experienced the loss of a loved one in the last five years. Why then are companies not talking about its impact on their employees and offering more support?
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The fallout from recent global events and the cost-of-living-crisis have made it harder for employees to cope with family events such as bereavement. But there are ways that employers can help.
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Work can be a stressor for us all, and for transgender individuals, this can come with the additional burden of having to suppress their gender identity to conform to societal norms. This can have a hugely debilitating effect on an individual’s physical, emotional and psychological well-being and, over time, could lead to absenteeism, disengagement and lack of employee retention.
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Hear our CCO, Liz Crilley, talk with HR Industry leader William Tincup on the RecruitingDaily podcast where they discuss the shift to a more empathetic workforce, the impact of major life events on productivity, and how Apiary Life is driving innovation in this space.
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Divorce is often cited as one of life’s most stressful events, ranking second only to the death of a spouse in many studies. With an enhanced focus on supporting employees through all life stages and a more holistic approach to wellbeing post-pandemic, it should perhaps therefore not be surprising that PwC, Unilever, Metro Bank and Tesco are among a host of major UK employers who have joined an initiative pledging to give extra support to families navigating a separation.
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When your personal life is suffering, it might feel impossible to focus at work and yet, during times of uncertainty, your job and performance are essential to provide financial security and stability.
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There can be a huge array of emotions that don’t come in to play in the same way in other life transitions—hurt, fear, shame, embarrassment, pride ... no one gets married thinking they will get divorced so there is a huge personal battle and myriad of emotions associated with the breakdown of that relationship. You will find yourself being unraveled emotionally and with huge time and financial pressure placed on you that you did not anticipate. It is impossible for anyone, however strong, informed or organized they are, to move through the process of divorce without being affected by it, on both an emotional and practical level.
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A dementia diagnosis should not mean the end of a career – and indeed people with the condition are legally protected in the workplace. Here’s what employees can do to help sufferers, as first published for REBA.
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With legislation on neonatal leave and pay coming into force in the UK in 2025, canny employers will start putting policies in place now.
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With domestic abuse now defined in law, and 2.3 million cases reported each year, employers can help victims with workplace support. Our Kahlicia Hurley investigates how.
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Generation Z, the first digital generation, have had a difficult few years thanks to Covid-19 and the widespread move to hybrid working. Find out more about how to support the mental resilience of this new generation entering the workforce.
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Research shows a clear link between poor mental wellbeing and lost productivity. Yet only half of companies provide mental health support.
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The first holiday amid a divorce is always difficult; we often romanticize past experiences, creating a revisionist history during times of crisis or change. This year, try to recognize when you are doing that and instead pivot your thinking into living in the present.
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Hear from Apiary Life Founder and CEO, Katie Lynch, on the cost of grief and loss in the workplace.
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Our Award Winning Team in action! We are thrilled to have been recognised in the This Can Happen Mental Health Awards - sponsored by Allen & Overy.
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Hear from Apiary Life Founder and CEO, Katie Lynch, about how Apiary is a unique offering for employees in the employer support services market.
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Katie Lynch, Founder and CEO of Apiary Life recently met with Samara Jaffe, GM and Co-Founder of Transform at The Desk to discuss how Apiary Life are changing how companies support their valued employees throughout their entire life journey.
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When a person experiences a grief event, many times returning to work can be complicated. Managers and coworkers need to first understand grief, and then how to treat the grieving individual.
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